Ragefully incompetent
If you read this, and this is you, it is because of you, that competent technicians lose their ever lovin’ sh*t.
Throwing random technical words around during planning meetings to try and impress your nepotistic boss; attempting to prove your gifted placement within your organization… please. Just stop.
And this isn’t geared towards the new guys trying their best to learn and do better. We appreciate you.
This isn’t geared towards the guys who’ve been doing this for 20 years and aren’t willing to change their modus operandi. We also appreciate the work you’ve done.
This is geared towards that senior level person who has no technical qualifications to be in their position – potentially making decisions that puts their organization at risk. Willfully and woefully inadequate to do their job; yet somehow maintaining their seat at the table. Actively working against those attempting to do the right thing while politically trying to make themselves look “good” by repeating random buzzwords they heard on a TedTalk or industry webinar.
But since this is supposed to be light-hearted and fun – OMG! Buzz words! Go ELF yourself!!