Password Resets are EZ!
Man, my job is so easy as a helpdesk tech and today was the easiest I have had! I mostly do things like password resets or account unlocks because that’s what I am good at, anything harder makes me scared.
Today some moron messaged me on Teams saying he forgot his password and asking me to reset it. I thought about asking him to put in a ticket but since he reached out on Teams I figured that would not be necessary.
I set the password to Password2024 and gave it to him then celebrated a job well done by getting up for a walk. When I came back everyone was freaking out and I guess some idiot screwed up his job and somehow we got hit with ransomware. I guess the moron from earlier downloaded something because they mentioned all the directories he had access to were the first ones encrypted.
Man I would hate to be that guy, good thing you can’t make mistakes just from resetting passwords!