Ownership <> Knowledge

This is going to be quick.

We recently had one of our peers tell us about a particular incident where they were troubleshooting a connectivity issue with a 3rd party when the owner of the company jumped on the call.

The long short, the owner was adamant that he knew what the problem was – when in reality it had nothing to do with the connectivity issue. Their interference resulted in an extended outage while the technician was forced to endure his ownership’s assertion that he knew what he was doing. In the end, and several hours later, the issue was what the technician initially diagnosed the problem as.

In no means is this an attack on business ownership. However, as a business owner, you can’t possibly know everything that your team will know. You need to have the emotional intelligence to know that your team may be smarter or have more experience than you in some aspects of your business.

To the techs that endure these types of owners – hang in there. Do the work. Hone your skills. There are teams out there that will find you.