License to ill

In our industry, no matter how many times you say something, or prove something, or demonstrate via witty anecdote, there are still those people who absolutely refuse to address the facts.

FACT – Next Generation AV vendors will take 90+ days to release a new version of their software for any major OS update.

FACT – Early adopters may not have a functioning NGAV if they decide to upgrade early.

FACT – We provide in writing, email, text, blog, LinkedIn posts, Facebook posts, Tweets, and Tok’s to all our clients of this fact.

FACT – Some folks think they can vomit random garbage in to a conversation of peers because they have a made-up title.

In the end, it just ends up being a headache for those who choose to follow the ill-fated advice of supposed “experts”. For us, it just feeds the meme machine!